Shalom Aleihem
The will and counsel of God have been hidden from men for many reasons—through bad teaching, bad company, bad habits, useless conversations, and unrighteous presumptions.
Through this error, ungodliness, unbelief, licentiousness, lust, vanity, and other evils have entered the world as smoke fills a house, and has darkened men's sight, so that they are not able to look up to God to know Him.
This is a paraphrase of St. Peter's words
Who are we?
We are Jews who believe in the original "Christianity", we are Nazarenes.
We believe that an apostle is a person who transmits knowledge, and does not create based on his own imagination.
An apostle is a messenger, if he change the teachings of the sender, it means that he recognizes that the sender needs to be corrected, hence he considers himself better. If the messenger does not transmit the will of the sender, wanting to please the recipients, it means that he is not a faithful messenger.
How are we different from others?
We do not accept the teachings of Paul of Tarsus, whom we consider a false prophet, which is in contrast to mainstream Christianity.
We have our own collection of writings that we consider inspired, as well as an interpretation of the teachings of the Lord Yeshua based on the words of the Apostles.
We believe that knowledge of God is possible only through God and the teachings of the Lord Yeshua transmitted through the Apostles and the Gospels.
Faith should not be based only on assumptions, but also on reasoning, because we will be judged similarly on the Day of Judgment.
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