
Our religion is based on Truth.

Truth comes from God, so a person who says they preach the Religion of Truth should preach a religion based on Truth.

However, Truth is not a complicated creation, as some philosophers try to explain by reinterpreting the facts. Truth is simple, so that everyone can easily see where the Truth is.

If I told you now that I only have 2 coins and another 3 coins arrived, so I have 5 of these coins.

Let's assume that someone passed it on after some time, but with an error, so adding 2 and 3 resulted in 6. Someone was surprised, but wrote it down and the letter spread because this person published it.
Although it is clear that something is wrong, a person who does not know what I meant and what this teaching meant, begins to interpret it in their own way.

Let's assume that a group appeared that tries to explain that the 6th coin is a coin that was hidden and was always there - quite an interesting claim, excusing, but false, because it was built on a lie. They came to this conclusion based on a lie.

Yet another says that the 6th coin was a borrowed coin, hence I did not include it in the information about the two coins - it can also explain the lie, but neither one nor the other is true, because it is based on a lie, hence in order to learn the Truth, we must base ourselves on the Truth.

Then, let's assume there is one person from group of my friends says: "you have a mistake there, hence you should correct it, because it is not as the author said", because he has the words, where I said that there was a mistake there.

So who is from the Truth? The one who analyzes, or the one who was from me, because he knew me and knows what I wanted to say? Already in this simple example it can be seen that false teachings can arise, hence think about the people who create such false teachings, not under the influence of God's Will, but of their own interpretations.

The apostle is a messenger. A messenger who corrects the sender considers himself better than the sender, hence he is not a true messenger. Therefore we should not interpret in a way that has not been passed on to us by people who know the Truth, because we can come to false conclusions.
And two from the example undertook such an interpretation, dispersing instead of saying the Truth.

The deceiver will not have a lesser punishment than the people deceived, and this results from the principles of justice. And the people deceived will also not be able to explain themselves, just as Eve could not say that the serpent deceived her, because the Lord Yeshua said that He is the Way, the Truth, the Life.

Hence the search for the Lord Yeshua begins with the search for the Truth, as we find the Truth, and the Truth will illuminate the Way for us, and the Way leads to Life.
We will not find the truth in the fog of missleadings, but only in those who learned it from the Lord Yeshua, or His Disciples, who can teach the teachings of the Lord Yeshua.

Falsehood in the Scripture (Torah, Bible, etc.)

There is a falsehood in the Bible - a statement that someone may agree with or disagree with, but we are able to show it with a few examples.

But the simplest is an example from the gospel: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", but there is more. Someone might say that this is God's Law. If so, why did the Lord Yeshua say that he did not come to change the Law? This suggests to you that this was never part of God's Law. But there are more falsehoods of this type in the Bible.

So how do we determine what is the Truth? Based on our feelings, what is better? But because of the feeling of a "better" solution there are murders, wars, etc.
Do you think that someone who kills another person in the name of religion does not think that they are doing good? Or a deceiver? They are also often convinced that this is the best solution.

Therefore, when there is too much falsehood, it covers our eyes like smoke, that we cannot know the Truth, we need someone from the outside who knows the Truth.

Therefore, we need the Word of Truth, to know what is the Truth, and the Truth comes from God, the Lord Yeshua gave it to us, the Spirit of Truth taught it.

And now I can tell you that there are many false sentences in the Bible, there are many blasphemous sentences and entire false teachings, but we do not publish here, because there are deceivers who would probably use this, just to deceive more people.

Wolves in sheep's clothing

There are sheep who decided to interpret things themselves, without a Shepherd, and then they try to catch others with their teachings, gaining more people and glory from people. But the blind leading the blind into the pit will fall. Hence we have to be careful. We can teach as much as we have been taught, pass on as much as has been passed on to us.

Deceivers say they have the Holy Spirit

The Spirit of Truth is the Spirit of Truth, it is based on the Truth. If someone has the "Holy Spirit" and sins, it means that they did not have the Holy Spirit, because if they had the Holy Spirit, they would not sin, and this results from the fact that when they sin, the Spirit who would be with them would sin with them, which is false.

Someone may say that sometimes they have the Spirit of Truth - if sometimes they have it, sometimes they do not, then how is he different from other people who sometimes tell the truth, sometimes they do not tell the truth? Can they then be the Source of Truth? The Lord Yeshua is the Source of Truth and His teachings are the source of Truth, but His teachings are not you


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